A boat lift is designed to safely, smoothly, and efficiently move a boat into and out of the water. Like every boat—and boat owner—is different, so too are boat lifts. This means that knowing how to choose a boat lift sometimes feels like more of a skill than anything else. The right boat lift on the right boat protects your craft from theft and natural damage so you’re always ready to hit the water.

A good boat lift also helps with maintenance and storage. Taking a moment to consider the correct paint also preserves the paint job on the boat and keeps it looking good for longer. Here are our top six tips on how to choose a boat lift.

Choose a Boat Lift Suitable for Different Docks

As a boat owner, you no doubt take your boat into and out of water several times during the season. Because you have to safely and securely dock the boat every time, you need a lift that suits your dock type. The lift you purchase should safely attach to your dock or slip. Choosing the right lift for your dock type is one of your top priorities when choosing a lift because you want to find a solution that works for you, the boat, and the dock.

Consider Your Boat’s Weight

Boat lifts are sized by lifting capacity. Overloading your lift with a heavy load causes stress on the motor – not to mention frustration – which means the boat lift can’t perform as intended. Remember, its intended purpose is to safely move your boat from one point to another. The weight and size of your boat are vital considerations when choosing a lift.

Start by looking at the spec sheet that came with the boat to see the dry weight. Then include the weight of add-ons that affect overall boat weight including equipment weight, fuel weight, and water weight. Ensure you know and understand the heaviest your boat can weigh and use that to find an appropriate lift for the size. You may be able to find this information directly through the boat manufacture’s website.

Consider the Length and Width of the Boat

The length and width of the boat are another critical consideration to keep in mind. The beam is the broadest and widest part of a boat. This means that your lift should be sized to perfectly accommodate the beam. Take note of the cradle beam when measuring and include a little cushion to make room for guideposts if needed.

The size of the boat slip is another important consideration when choosing a boat lift. Ensure you accurately measure both the slip and the boat itself. In DIY, you measure twice and cut once. With boat lifts, you measure twice and buy once.

Consider the Water Type

Don’t make the mistake of believing that all water is created equally. Saltwater is more corrosive while moving and swirling. It starts to eat away at the boat and the lift keeping it in place. Freshwater, on the other hand, can still cause metallic corrosion that causes pitting on the surface of a lift and boat over time.

Understand which type of water your boat spends the most time in and then choose a boat lift built to withstand that type of water. Some boat lifts are built for both so don’t worry if you spend just as much time in freshwater as saltwater.

Choose the Right Foundation

You should choose a boat lift that lifts the boat in the most effective way. Shore-mounted boat lifts don’t actually lift the boat. Rather, they act as a ramp to guide the boat out of the water and onto the shore. They can only be used in places where the shore isn’t steep and where your boat won’t be left susceptible to corrosive water or rising water levels.

Floating lifts, on the other hand, totally lift the boat out of the water and keep it safe from the elements. These lifts also keep the boat protected against rising water levels while its stored in dry dock. The double protection a floating lift offers also gives you total peace of mind that your boat is doing just fine.

Choose a Reputable Company

Caring for – and about – a boat lift is the same as caring about your boat. You should choose a brand that aims to enhance your boat deck rather than clutter it up. Choose a manufacturer that offers high-quality, low-maintenance lifts you would be proud to have in your dock taking care of your boat.

There are three main reasons anyone buys a boat lift – convenience, protection, and security. You want a boat lift that protects your boat against the elements including wind and water. You want a boat lift that offers complete protection no matter how long your boat is docked for while still being convenient enough to launch and lift your boat when needed.

Don’t forget about the importance of customer service! You want to know that the manufacturer and provider are on your side if something goes wrong. A good company is one that has an unbeatable customer service department that is with you for every step of the way. The right staff, installation, and service can make all the difference in the world.

Get the Boat Lift You – And Your Boat – Deserve

A basic “one-size-fits-all” boat lift won’t get the job done when you need it to. Rather than getting a boat lift built for anyone, find one built around you and your needs. Choose a boat lift that delivers the protection and durability that you want. Shop around until you find a boat lift that works for you. Think about the size, shape, and weight of your boat. Also think about the water you keep the boat in and where you plan to use it. With these considerations in mind, you’ll no doubt choose the perfect boat lift for you.