Loggerhead Marine Services

Tampa Bay’s Seawall Experts

The Tampa area’s premiere provider for new seawall construction, seawall repair and seawall maintenance. Most concrete seawalls located on waterfront properties throughout the Tampa Bay area were constructed of concrete during the 1950’s -1960’s. The majority of these seawalls were designed to last a structural lifetime of 20-30 years. Throughout the years most of these seawalls have begun to fail due to heavy rains, tropical storms and hurricanes.

A typical seawall system has various parts that can be repaired or replaced depending on the degree of failure. It consists of a cap (concrete or wood), some type of anchor (buried underground), and wall (concrete, aluminum, wood or vinyl). With periodic maintenance, a seawall can be preserved to last many years.

New Seawall Construction

Marine construction of a seawall (bulkhead) requires quality materials, advanced technology, and experienced craftsmanship to prevent erosion and withstand strong winds and high waves. We encourage the installation of vinyl seawalls over conventional materials for increased longevity and environmental protection. However, we understand commercial marinas or waterfront residences may require a seawall of stone (rip rap), concrete, or specially treated wood and will be happy to accommodate you accordingly.

When contemplating the construction of a seawall or retaining wall, several permitting agencies will need to be contacted. We will take care of all permits required by the State, County and City governments.

Seawall Maintenance & Repair

Seawalls perform a critical role in keeping your waterfront property beautiful and functional. Although seawalls are built to last many years, they are not immune to the effects of weather, tidal flow and time. Seawalls require regular inspection, maintenance and repair at regular intervals in order to realize their maximum potential life span. In most cases a little preventive maintenance can extend the life of your seawall and delay costly replacement.

The following are a few of the indications that your wall probably needs prompt professional attention;

  • Sinkholes behind wall
  • Cracks in wall or concrete cap
  • Wall panels leaning out
  • Exposed, rusting reinforcing steel or anchor tie rods
  • No well point drains installed at regular intervals to relieve water pressure

Typical repairs can include;

  • Sealing leaks, cracks and vertical seams
  • Well point drains replaced to relieve hydrostatic pressure that causes walls to bulge or shift
  • Secondary anchors added when original anchors break
  • Seawall cap replacement, provide larger and higher cap and additional fill to protect property line
  • Rip rap added to foot of  existing wall to further protect from wave and erosion action

Reach Out to Our Team for More Information