According to the United States Census Bureau of 2020, all Baby Boomers will be at least 65 years of age by 2030. Additionally, this generation has an estimated 73 million boomers in the United States. Combining the fact that people are living longer than in generations in the past, we at Loggerhead Senior Living want to ensure that this generation achieves their goal to continue living in their own home. With the healthcare system preparing along these statistics to transition as much patient care to be provided in the home as well, the home may need modifications. Loggerhead Senior Living is a team of forward thinking consultants that are focusing on home safety and quality as it relates to senior aging, so they can parallel their evolving lifestyle in their own home to enjoy for their best years to come.
We are Consultants with Healthcare and Building Contractor experience that provide home assessments and recommendations to achieve the goal of aging in place.